Ryan Foley of the Associated Press [not Forbes, as reported elsewhere] wrote a story that gives a behind the scenes look at Trek Bicycle Corp. and their association with Lance Armstrong. Because Trek is both privately held and the biggest player in the bike biz, it's always interesting to read their press clipppings.
The article gives Trek credit for sticking with Lance through his ordeal. When they asked Zap about it he seemed to be getting ready for Interbike in Vegas with this quote:
"It was like putting a penny in a slot and winning a million bucks."
The story also pointed out that much of Trek's success in high-end road bikes can be attributed to aging baby-boomers and their growing interest in cycling, a topic I touched on recently.
The final quote went to the curator of the Wisconsin Historical Museum in Madison. A museum curator? What would he know? I thought the same thing, but it turns out his museum is currently running an exhibition called "WisconsInnovation" that has a whole section devoted to Trek. I guess in the state that accounts for nearly 20% of the entire U.S. bicycle industry even museum curators know about the bike business.
Ahh, teach me to read the byline! :-)
Posted by: Richard Masoner | July 22, 2005 at 09:26 AM