Howdy folks,
I know it seems like I've dropped off the face of the earth since right before Interbike. I haven't. I've just lost a little juice for this space and I've put my energy and thoughts into other things. My other blog/site demands a lot of my time and energy...not to mention that I live and breathe the content every day as I ride around Portland, attend local bike events and meetings, and get to know the amazing folks in our vibrant bike scene. And, as of today, I've confirmed my first advertising partnership so things are getting interesting.
I'm not sure if my life has room for two blogs, at least not two blogs that I think can remain on-topic and high-quality.
Obviously I've still got bike industry stuff to share so thanks for bearing with me and hopefully you'll not erase my feed and my URL completely from your thoughts.
And I'm still checking all of your blogs so keep up the great work.
.....and we are all still checking yours! Post when you can! I understand being busy. Congrats on the new advert partnership. Wishing you success.............
Posted by: Guitar Ted | October 06, 2005 at 03:27 PM
You do what you have to do and take care of your paying business and your family. We're not going anywhere here, so we'll keep your seat warm for you.
Tim Jackson
Brand Manager
Masi Bicycles
Posted by: Tim Jackson- Masiguy | October 07, 2005 at 09:01 AM
Your blog was one of the first bike blogs I came across and it has been a major source of encouragement.
I've been biking and working with bikes for long enough to see through a lot of mainstream magazine articles/reviews and it has been refreshing to read from a different slant.
I have quietly started my own blog so I'm looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.
So thanks for your time spent writing and I'll keep checking back here
Many thanks
N. Ireland
Posted by: Pete McDonagh | October 10, 2005 at 04:47 AM
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